
• I already paid, how do I restore Premium?

Simply open Life, go to Settings, open Premium, and tap Restore in the upper left corner. Premium will now be restored.


• Why is there no alert sound when I get a reminder?

Exit Life and go to your device's Settings. From the first screen, go into the Notification Center then scroll down to and select Life. From here, toggle Sounds to On.

• What happens if I forget my Passcode?

Exit Life and go to your device's Settings. From the first screen, scroll down until you reach Life. Tap Life and toggle Delete Passcode.


• How do I add a new period?

From the Calendar, tap the date your period starts (once tapped, the date on the Calendar will be highlighted blue) Once the date is highlighted, tap Add Period. You should see a red line appear covering five days. We set five days as the default duration however the duration will be averaged once you've entered at least three periods.

• How do I extend my period?

From the Calendar, tap the date you would like to extend your period then tap Extend Period. You will see the red line get extended to your specified date on the Calendar.

• How do I reduce my period?

From the Calendar, tap the date you would like to reduce your period, then tap End Period. You should see the red line shorten to your specified length.

• How do I remove my period?

From the Calendar, tap the date your period started, then tap Remove Period. This will remove that period from the Calendar.

• What does the green line mean?

The green line represents your fertility days. Your fertile days are the days you are most likely to get pregnant.

• How do I add my ovulation date?

From the Calendar, tap the date you ovulated, then tap Add Ovulation. If you don't want to track ovulation, fertility tracking can be turned off in Settings if you have Premium.

• How do I remove an ovulation I added by mistake?

From the Calendar, tap the date you ovulated, then tap Remove Ovulation. This will remove that ovulation entry from the Calendar.

• How do I view my entries?

From the Calendar, double-tap any date on the Calendar that has a gray dot above the number and you'll see all your entries for that day. When you're on the Double-Tap page, you can also swipe left and right to view other days.